MANUAL lymphatic drainage
What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage?
Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapy is a gentle massage by a certified, licensed therapist that can help you boost your immune system, reduce swelling in the body, and promote healing and rejuvenation. The lymph is connected to immunity, digestive health and even brain health.
Manual lymphatic drainage circulates immune cells through your body and increases the absorption and transportation of excess fluid, which flushes toxins from your tissues, helps prevent inflammation and balances your nervous system.
Who can benefit?
Anyone wishing to reduce inflammation in their bodies, especially those seeking relief from the side effects of medical procedures or cancer treatments.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage may benefit you if you are:
Post Surgery*
Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage may benefit you if you have been diagnosed with:
Lyme Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
We ask that you please refrain from wearing heavy perfume or cologne for MLD massage. Thank you.
*Always consult with your doctor first. If you are a recent patient of a procedure or surgery, and still have a drain, or bandages, please wait until you are fully healed to schedule your appointment. No lymphatic drainage equipment or machines are used during this treatment. A certified therapist is specially trained to use her hands to properly assist the lymphatic system to clear any excess fluid accumulation. If you have a diagnoses of congestive heart failure (CHF) you need to get medical clearance prior to arriving for your appointment and bring the medical clearance with you.